Low libido - Renew Clinic

What is Low Libido?

Having a low sex drive, or low libido, is something that can affect both men and women at various points in life. But what exactly does it mean to have a low libido? Let's explore!

Q: How is low libido defined? A: Low libido is characterized by a lack of sexual desire or interest in sexual activity. It's considered low when your level of desire is noticeably lower than what's normal for you and is distressing or impacting your relationships.

Q: What causes low libido? A: Oh boy, there are so many possible culprits! Low libido can stem from physical factors like hormonal imbalances, medications, chronic illness, or even just getting older. Psst, if you suspect a hormonal issue, check out Renew Clinic(trtsoberliving.com) - they offer personalized hormone therapy.

Mental health struggles like depression, anxiety, and stress can also put a damper on desire. Relationship issues, past trauma, and lifestyle factors like poor sleep, unhealthy habits, and lack of self-care can diminish that sexy spark too.

Q: How common is it? A: More common than you'd think! Studies suggest low libido affects about: - 1 in 3 women - 1 in 5 men

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about," says Dr. Sarah Williams of Renew Clinic. "Low libido is extremely prevalent and can have a real impact on quality of life. The key is being open about it and exploring solutions."

At the end of the day, I want you to remember that low libido is treatable! Don't just resign yourself to a lackluster sex life.

Q: What can be done about low libido? A: Plenty! Depending on the root cause, treatment options include:

The first step is talking to your doc to figure out what's going on and develop a personalized plan. Don't be shy - your sex life will thank you!

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